Resource Library

As part of our goal to attract, connect, and support new and diverse talent to the field, we have built the go-to place for all-things innovation and entrepreneurship in early childhood development (ECD). In that spirit, if you have a question or are looking for information and don’t see it, tell us. Chances are, if you have the question, someone else does too.

The Innovation Landscape

Our aim is to have a complete view of the key players in ECD, including: ventures and existing organizations, funders, and experts. These three core audiences make up the ECD innovation ecosystem needed to drive outcomes for the children, families and communities facing the greatest adversities.

Promise ECD Venture Index

The most comprehensive database of innovative ventures in early childhood

To be added to the ECD Venture Index, please join the Promise Venture Network.

Venture-Building Resources

We offer a variety of programs and resources to support ventures in early childhood.

  1. Check out our ECD Startup Guide. We provide condensed versions of some of our most popular workshops, slides from the workshops, key learnings and resources for early stage ECD ventures.

  2. Promise Venture Profile — great forcing function to whittle down what you do and why it matters to one page. It also serves as an incredibly effective tool to introduce yourself, make connections and use as a leave-behind. Plus, you’ll be added to our Promise ECD Venture Index once you’ve completed one, which gets regularly shared with leading funders and experts.

  3. Click on the buttons below to help you take the next step towards scale and impact.

Brand New to ECD?

We’ve started to curate and develop content that will give you context into the field and why innovation and entrepreneurship are important and urgent. We will continue to evolve this content; in the meantime, please send questions and requests our way.

Tell us what you think

Are these resources helpful? What else would you like to see and are there any topics that you'd like to help create? We both need and value your input, so please tell us what you think. Thanks!