We help entrepreneurs in early childhood development reach greater scale and impact.
We unite, accelerate, and connect social entrepreneurs in early childhood development (ECD), and the ventures they lead (both nonprofit and for-profit), to contribute to improved outcomes for children and families.
We unite BIPOC and proximate innovators in ECD to drive personal sustainability and collective power to support the field’s most restorative and powerful community of BIPOC innovators.
We accelerate the impact (depth and scale) of equity-driven social ventures in ECD to increase the impact of the field’s top equity-driven ventures.
We connect innovators and ventures to sources of capital and customers in order to facilitate the field’s most equitable marketplace of capital to ventures.

By eliminating race and identity-based disparities in early childhood, we can ensure all children, no matter their background, fulfill their innate promise.
What We Do
ECD Venture Network & Index
The definitive list of leading organizations creating real change and impact in early childhood development. Our community of social entrepreneurs has grown to 300+ ventures and 500+ entrepreneurs and ECD leaders. All have a focus on serving children from prenatal to five and their families.
Entrepreneurs can join the venture network to access programming and resources tailored to support changemakers in early childhood.
Early Childhood Leaders of Color Collaborative
The Early Childhood Leaders of Color Collaborative (EC LOC Collaborative), launched in September 2022, is a national, self-organized network for leaders of color in early childhood that is designed to:
Create a restorative, healing space for leaders to be and learn in community with one another
Grow and strengthen their organizations through peer learning and partnerships; and
Take collective action on behalf of the communities they serve.
Show+Tell is a first-of-its-kind online demo series showcasing the most promising innovations in early childhood development with the potential for scaled impact for children facing the greatest adversities.
Show+Tell: The Series
Pre-School Assessment Re-Imagined - Watch & Connect
Supporting Parents in the Earliest Years - Watch & Connect
Childcare Supply & Quality - Watch & Connect
Social & Emotional Development - Watch & Connect
Innovations for Scaled Impact - Watch & Connect
Birth Equity & Justice - Watch & Connect
Equity & Justice in Early Care & Education - Watch & Connect
Promising Ventures Fellowship - Watch & Connect
Promising Ventures Fellowship
The Promising Ventures Fellowship is an accelerator program designed to meet the unique needs of social entrepreneurs in ECD The program provides a high level of support to a small group of ventures that we believe have enormous potential to drive social impact at a national scale for children and families facing the greatest adversity.